Mercury retrograde is almost over — how to protect your relationship from last-minute celestial chaos

Mercúrio retrógrado está quase no fim — como proteger seu relacionamento contra o caos celestial de última hora
Photo: Unsplash

Mercury retrograde is like puberty and paying taxes — never kind and completely necessary.

We are in the final throes of Mercury retrograde, which started in Virgo and is rounding the bases in Leo before stationing direct on August 28. We will be under the influence of this transit until September 11, when the planet finally clears its post-retrograde shadow, also known as the retro shade.

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Named after the god of messages, Mercury is the planet of communication: the mind, the mouth, connection, expression, media, technology, travel, commerce, the high and low, the petty and poetic.

Mercury is the fastest-moving celestial body in our sky, second only to the moon. It is known as a personal planet, which means it affects us significantly, intimately, and daily.

Mercury retrograde is a mass challenge — perhaps especially for those seeking love and dating. In fact, 71% of respondents admitted that Mercury retrograde harms their love lives, with nearly half of women avoiding first dates during this transit.

According to Neda, a renowned astrologer and consultant for the dating app Flirtini, this transit increases the risk of major communication failures, causing even the closest couples to clash and making it difficult to connect with potential partners.

Fear not; Neda is here and under the star, sharing her three tips for keeping your romance stable.

How to avoid romantic disasters during Mercury retrograde

Be cautious and thoughtful in all communications

Given Mercury’s habit of ignoring good intentions and hasty exchanges during its retrograde cycle, Neda advises caution and encourages eye contact.

“If possible, talk face-to-face to avoid every word being analyzed, and double-check every message before clicking send. Don’t rush, and think carefully before you speak… A wrong word could put you on a collision course,” she said.

Reflect on the past but don’t rekindle it

If long-lost loves, toxic exes, lingering nostalgia, or other unresolved feelings resurface, Neda encourages people to reconsider the past — but not to revive it.

“We often push negative experiences to the back of our minds, but there’s much to learn from past mistakes and emotional patterns. Writing down your feelings and talking about them can give you greater clarity and self-awareness in your future relationships,” she encouraged.

Journaling about your feelings can help you realize that your ex wasn’t the love of your life — just a dumpster fire that occasionally kept you warm.

Practice patience

When forming new connections during Mercury retrograde, Neda asserts that flexibility and patience are your biggest allies.

“When plans go awry, getting frustrated won’t get you anywhere. Brush it off, enjoy it as an opportunity to be spontaneous, and stop letting Mercury ruin your love life,” she said.

Lead with the benefit of the doubt.

We are all under the cruel thumb of Mercury retrograde, but three signs are at greater risk of romantic ruin in the last gasp of this transit. Looking at you, Virgo, Leo, and Gemini. Here’s some special advice for you.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20)

Mercury rules Geminis; therefore, they are often more affected when the planet backtracks or misbehaves. Neda says natives would do well to act like Mercury and slow down.

“Frequent confusion, difficulty expressing yourself, intense emotions… Sound familiar? If so, slow down and avoid making major life decisions, like starting a relationship. Show some patience by allowing your life to unfold naturally if you want to stay away from stress and misunderstandings.”

LEO (July 23 to August 22)

Neda says that since Mercury is retrograde in your sign, Leos may struggle in these final moments.

“Leos will have their typical confidence and charisma tested, and their boldness could be misinterpreted as insensitivity. If you notice your communication faltering, listen carefully and think before you speak — a quick pause could prevent potential conflicts.”

VIRGO (August 23 to September 22)

Since Mercury rules Virgo, natives may feel particularly unbalanced during the final days of this transit.

Neda shares: “I know you’re a perfectionist, but resist the urge to control every detail. If you can embrace unpredictability and have fun, enjoy it! Otherwise, focus on self-care and activities that can keep your stress levels in check.”

Source: NYPost

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